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Eine neue Ära für Papierlos Studieren / A new beginning for this blog

  Es ist jetzt ziemlich genau 4 Jahre her, dass ich den ersten Artikel auf diesem Blog veröffentlicht habe. Ich wollte damals einfach eine Möglichkeit haben, über eine Leidenschaft von mir zu schreiben: Digitale Produktivität, Apps, Workflows, Technik-Kram. Und da ich schon einige Jahre Erfahrung mit einem politischen Blog gesammelt hatte (Blog | Buch), war es naheliegend, wieder einen Blog zu starten. Seitdem sind 145 Artikel und ein Buch hinzugekommen. Zugleich hatte und habe ich mehr Erfolg damit, als ich je gedacht hätte. Monat für Monat lesen mehrere Zehntausend Menschen meine Artikel und es hat sich die ein oder andere …

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My newfound love for DevonThink

I had turned my back on DevonThink for a long time: too complicated, constant problems with iCloud, and often just overkill. Recently, however, the app has become a permanent part of my setup again. What has changed? Some time ago, I had a series on Devonthink here on the blog, in which I introduced and also evaluated the program. At that time, I used it as my digital archive, where I really stored everything: from scientific papers to electricity bills. Over time, the frustrations have accumulated, especially because I had problems with the iCloud sync again and again. Whether this …

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How I use Twitter, Readwise, and Obsidian to keep myself updated on the war in Ukraine

I don’t want to say too many words about the terrible things that are going on in Ukraine right now. This is the wrong place for that. But the war there prompted me to inform myself very thoroughly about various topics, such as the history of the war, the situation in Crimea or the Donbass, or military-strategic considerations, so that I can better assess the situation there. As a political scientist, I also have a professional interest in this regard. Twitter has become an enormously important source for me. You can say whatever you want about Twitter, but there are …

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Custom paper types and covers in GoodNotes

GoodNotes is the app par excellence for me when I want to take handwritten notes. There are many reasons for this. The thoughtful design of the app, for example, or the consistent ongoing development and maintenance of the app. I have already written a lot about this in my review of the latest full version. One of the best features for me, however, is the ability to personalize my digital notebooks. This personalization works in two ways: on the one hand you can change the cover, on the other hand you can change the type of paper you write on. …

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The Paperless Guide (1) – Which device?

The semester starts and, as in every year, many are at university for the first time. Suddenly, you are facing questions that you never had before. So that the start is not a hurdle, at least in technical terms, I would like to give a few brief tips in this series of articles to make everyday study easier. The first article is about which device is the right one for everyday study.

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