What is this blog all about?

I began this blog as a resource for digital productivity in the knowledge sector, particularly for students and researchers. My inspiration for starting it came from my own experiences as a graduate student, as well as my admiration for individuals like David Sparks and the broader productivity blogosphere. Initially, I intended to write for a broad audience, regardless of the operating system they use. However, over time, my focus has shifted. There have been three main developments that have led to this change: As a result of these developments: I hope that you will continue to follow my journey and …

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State of the Apps 2023

Cortex by Myke Hurley and CGP Grey is one of my favorite podcasts and I eagerly look forward to each episode. Every year, in the penultimate episode of the year, they talk about the most important apps and services they currently use. And then, the always worth reading Mere Civilian also recently wrote an article under that theme. Last year, I actually wanted to do the same, but then didn’t for reasons I don’t remember. This year, however, the time has come. Which apps do I use every day? What has changed in the last year? And where do I …

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