I am interested in different types of cooperation. Among them are tests of hardware, but also software. If you are interested in a sponsored post on my site, please feel free to contact me as well. I offer you the possibility to appear as a marked sponsored post as a top article on my blog for one week. In addition, a mention in my newsletter is also possible. Prerequisites for a cooperation are understandably thematic fit to the blog and a test on my part, so that I am convinced of the quality. Only in this way can I maintain the trust of my readers – my most valuable asset.
Examples of successful collaborations:
- Paperlike 2 im Test – besser schreiben auf dem iPad
- Schreibtischlampe neu gedacht: die BenQ Screenbar
- Von der Aufnahme zur Analyse – f4 vorgestellt
If you are interested in cooperation, a product test or a sponsored post, I would be very delighted if you would send me an email to the following address: [email protected].