So, I’ve written about how Focus modes really could be a first step towards user profiles on the iPad a couple of weeks ago. In this article, however, I barely talked about how to set them up. That’s why I’d like to give a short how-to and also show my own focus modes to get you an idea of what is possible. — How to set up focus modes on iPhone, iPad, and Mac (This guide has been developed for macOS. The process on iPad and iPhone, however, is just about the same, so the guide should be easily applicable …
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Apple’s iPad lineup is a mess – Where is the journey heading?
Last Tuesday Apple updated its iPad lineup. In addition to the entry-level iPad, which is now in its 10th generation, the two iPad Pros were also updated. But anyone who now thinks that this presents the iPad product category in a good light is mistaken. On the contrary: Apple makes strange decisions that confuse users and simply do not make sense. Furthermore, models are neglected, which raises many questions. Little love for the pros Let’s start with the update for the iPad Pros, which are still available in the 11″ and 12.9″ sizes. Here, the few rumors that existed in …
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Notebooks 12 released
So… it’s been a while. In the past, I usually aimed for about two to three articles per month. Lately, I was not able to maintain this schedule due to several reasons. Most importantly, I try to focus on my PhD. Then, there was a (much needed) vacation and just a lot going on. And I am not sure that the slower cadence will change any time soon. Sorry! But enough of the excuses, back to the content: Notebooks 12 (or Notebooks 3 on the Mac) has been released. Notebooks is an app that is comparable to DevonThink or KeepIt. …
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Apple’s WWDC 2022: What does it bring for students and researchers?
Apple’s World Wide Developers Conference keynote is always one of the most interesting dates in my tech year. I love to see what awaits us in the next iteration of iOS, iPadOS, or macOS, respectively. This Monday, it was that time again.
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The iPad Buying Guide (April 2022)
One of the most important questions that arises for paperless studying is that of reading and note-taking. The iPad is generally a good solution for this. In this article, I have a look at all currently available iPad models and answer the question: Which iPad should I buy for university? The obvious solution: laptops But first, let’s take a quick look at the obvious solution: laptops. If you look into any lecture hall, you will see many, many MacBooks (usually MacBook Airs), supplemented by one or the other Samsung device, rarely Lenovos or others. That makes sense, since most people …
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Zotero fürs iPad jetzt mit Bibliografie-Support
In meinem ersten Blick auf die Zotero iPad Beta war ich ja etwas ernüchtert: keine Möglichkeit, ein Literaturverzeichnis zu erstellen. Damit war Zotero auf dem iPad nicht viel mehr als ein Viewer für meine Datenbank.
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Planen, denken, strukturieren – MindNode im Portrait
Ich möchte mich an dieser Stelle ganz herzlich bei IdeasOnCanvas bedanken, die mich in dieser Woche unterstützen. IdeasOnCanvas sind die Macher:innen hinter der bekannten Mindmap-Software MindNode. [Werbung]
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Goodnotes führt wiederverwendbare Elemente ein
Goodnotes war schon lange eine super App für digitale Mitschriften. Mit dem neuen Elemente-Tool lassen sich nun auch noch wieder verwendbare Elemente wie Sticker, Zeichnungen oder Handschrift abspeichern und beliebig oft wieder verwenden.
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Flexcil: PDF-Reader mit Notizblock
Wer beim Lesen Notizen macht, behält mehr im Kopf. PDF-Reader beherzigen das nur selten. Flexcil ist da eine Ausnahme. Grund genug, sich die App mal genauer anzuschauen.
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LiquidText 4 erschienen – Fortschritt geht anders
Vor einiger Zeit habe ich hier LiquidText vorgestellt und gezeigt, wie ich die App für meine tägliche Arbeit in einem Forschungsprojekt nutze. Jetzt ist LiquidText in Version 4 erschienen – und enttäuscht mich.
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