In January of this year, for the first time I published an overview of crucial apps that my professional life couldn’t function without. Inspiration stemmed from the ‘State of the Apps’ segments within the Cortex podcast, hosted by CGP Grey and Myke Hurley, a title I found fitting to take up. This year, I managed to get a head start. In the following, I will showcase to you the apps I use spanning various domains including browsing, mail, task management, writing/thinking/note-taking, research, file and literature management, reading, and more. Many of the apps presented here are also integrated with a …
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On the value of flip-flopping
From the outside, it admittedly looks a bit ridiculous when someone changes their to-do app or notes app every few months. Especially if this one new app is supposed to make everything better. I’ve dealt with the issue here on the blog in the past, as of course, it affects me personally. If not, I would not be writing this blog. The specific reason for this article is that I am using OmniFocus again after a long abstinence. In fact, I haven’t done so for well over a year. First I tried GoodTask, then I managed all my tasks in …
Read OnState of the Apps 2023
Cortex by Myke Hurley and CGP Grey is one of my favorite podcasts and I eagerly look forward to each episode. Every year, in the penultimate episode of the year, they talk about the most important apps and services they currently use. And then, the always worth reading Mere Civilian also recently wrote an article under that theme. Last year, I actually wanted to do the same, but then didn’t for reasons I don’t remember. This year, however, the time has come. Which apps do I use every day? What has changed in the last year? And where do I …
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Buy DevonThink this week and get 3 instead of 2 seats!
I just received the newsletter from DEVONtechnologies, the makers of macOS power user file management app DevonThink. In this newsletter, they announce that there will be a special promo campaign from October 27 9 am UTC to October 28, 2022 6 pm UCT. In this short period, you’ll get 3 seats per purchase instead of the usual 2. This means that you can use DevonThink on 3, rather than 2 Macs. So, probably not too interesting for most potential buyers, but IF you need DevonThink on 3 Macs, this is the time. You can buy DevonThink directly from there website.
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My newfound love for DevonThink
I had turned my back on DevonThink for a long time: too complicated, constant problems with iCloud, and often just overkill. Recently, however, the app has become a permanent part of my setup again. What has changed? Some time ago, I had a series on Devonthink here on the blog, in which I introduced and also evaluated the program. At that time, I used it as my digital archive, where I really stored everything: from scientific papers to electricity bills. Over time, the frustrations have accumulated, especially because I had problems with the iCloud sync again and again. Whether this …
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Lesen, Notizen und der Zettelkasten
Dieser Text ist ein Update zu diesem Artikel, den ich vor gut einem Jahr schrieb. Seitdem hat sich vieles an meinem Workflow geändert. Unter anderem musste ich leider Devonthink verabschieden. Dafür hat Niklas Luhmanns Zettelkasten den Weg in mein Arbeiten gefunden.
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Alle Produkte von Devontech -25%
Es ist Black Friday und bei Devontechnologies bekommt ihr bis Montag (2. Dezember) 25% auf alles!
Read OnDEVONthink 3 Arbeitsbuch erschienen – Apfelpüree ➡️
Tja, manche versuchen noch, all die Neuerungen von Devonthink 3 zu erfassen, andere schreiben schon komplette Anleitungen. Da das sicher für den ein oder anderen interessant ist, möchte ich auf einen Post vom Apfelpüree Blog hinweisen: Die diversen Erweiterungen, Ergänzungen etc. lassen sich im Detail auf der Webseite von DEVONtechnologies nachlesen. All das ist in das neue Arbeitsbuch eingeflossen. Und weil das alles wirklich so umfassend ist, hat es etwas länger gedauert, das Arbeitsbuch neu zu schreiben (mit einfach nur anpassen war es nämlich nicht getan…). Zum Originalartikel
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Devonthink 3 als Public Beta erschienen
Devonthink 3 ist nun als Public Beta verfügbar. Juhu!
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Literatur durcharbeiten, aufbewahren, wiederfinden
Wie kann man große Mengen Literatur managen und auch nach Jahren zielsicher wiederfinden? Dieser Workflow hilft.
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