Obsidian is primarily a text-based tool for me. I only use images occasionally, and I’ve also outsourced my PDFs to DevonThink. I take the approach that it often makes sense to use specialized tools and not do everything with one app, even if that’s potentially possible. Drawings and diagrams are a bit different. I need them relatively rarely anyway because I work very text-based. However, I’m currently trying to get into the habit of using drawings a bit more because I believe that complex topics can be understood much better that way. And that brings us to the topic of …
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How I use visualization to make sense of my notes in Obsidian
Obsidian is an incredibly powerful tool. However, it can be difficult at times, to get a sense of all the information in your vault. This is where visualization comes into play. In this two-part series, I’d like to talk about two plugins that help me greatly in working with my data visually: the Kanban plugin by MG Meyers, and Excalibrain by Zsolt Viczián.
Read OnHow I use Twitter, Readwise, and Obsidian to keep myself updated on the war in Ukraine
I don’t want to say too many words about the terrible things that are going on in Ukraine right now. This is the wrong place for that. But the war there prompted me to inform myself very thoroughly about various topics, such as the history of the war, the situation in Crimea or the Donbass, or military-strategic considerations, so that I can better assess the situation there. As a political scientist, I also have a professional interest in this regard. Twitter has become an enormously important source for me. You can say whatever you want about Twitter, but there are …
Read OnWie ich mich mit Twitter, Readwise und Obsidian über den Krieg in der Ukraine informiere
Ich will gar nicht viele Worte über die schrecklichen Dinge verlieren, die gerade in der Ukraine vor sich gehen. Dafür ist das hier der falsche Ort. Der Krieg dort war aber Anlass für mich, mich sehr intensiv über verschiedene Themen wie die Vorgeschichte des Krieges, die Situation auf der Krim oder im Donbass oder auch militärisch-strategische Erwägungen zu informieren, damit ich die Lage dort besser einschätzen kann. Als Politikwissenschaftler habe ich ja auch ein fachliches Interesse in dieser Hinsicht. Twitter ist dabei zu einer enorm wichtigen Quelle für mich geworden. Man kann über Twitter ja sagen, was man will, aber …
Read OnMy 8 favourite Obsidian plugins (2)
Obsidian benefits greatly from its strong plugin infrastructure. I have picked four of my favourite Obsidian plugins for this article.
Read OnMeine 8 liebsten Obsidian Plugins (2)
Obsidian profitiert extrem von seiner starken Plugin-Infrastruktur. Ich habe für diesen Artikel vier meiner liebsten Obsidian Plugins herausgesucht.
Read OnMy 8 favourite Obsidian plugins (1)
Obsidian is also so great because you can extend it almost at will with plugins. In this two-parter, I present my 8 favorite plugins and show how I make Obsidian my perfect writing environment!
Read OnMeine 8 liebsten Obsidian Plugins (1)
Obsidian ist auch so toll, weil man es durch Plugins fast beliebig erweitern kann. In diesem Zweiteiler stelle ich meine 8 liebsten Plugins vor und zeige, wie ich Obsidian zu meiner perfekten Schreibumgebung mache!
Read OnOrganize notes in Obsidian – my workflow
Organizing notes in Obsidian is certainly possible thanks to folders and hashtags. However, I wanted to take a different approach and rely on a mixture of tables of contents (or maps of content), tag pages, and very classic folders. A detailed overview of my file structure in Obsidian For about a year now, I can’t imagine my daily work without Obsidian. In the beginning, I was just looking for a home for my Zettelkasten, but in the meantime I write everything from quick notes to diary entries to scientific papers in Obsidian. And sometime last year I realized that it …
Read OnNotizen organisieren in Obsidian – mein Workflow
Wie organisiere ich eigentlich meine Notizen in Obsidian? In diesem Artikel gebe ich einen ausführlichen Einblick.
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